Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you

Anne Lamott

Self-care Session


Does getting through your day feel like a marathon?

Is your ‘to-do’ list the enemy?

Do you frequently catch yourself lamenting on how busy you are?

Are you falling into bed at night exhausted yet wired?

If any of the above resonate, let me offer you a one-to-one 90 minute concentrated injection of practical support designed to give you some tools for looking after yourself.

We may all know the theory of self-care; the question is how do we move from knowing the theory to building it into our life?

This is the session for you if you don’t feel you need the longer process of counselling but are finding it difficult to balance all your responsibilities as well as find the time to look after yourself. You may be struggling to grant yourself permission to take up any space in your busy schedule or perhaps you aren’t sure what taking care of yourself looks like and need some guidance in clarifying your own needs.

I will lead you through a process of;

  • Understanding your beliefs and boundaries (or lack of) relating to caring for self
  • How to recognise burnout
  • Identify which areas in your life need more support
  • Building a toolkit of self-care strategies that fit for you
  • Simple calming techniques involving physical movement and breath work that you can take away with you.


I also offer this progam in the form of a group Self-care Workshop – get some friends together and receive a discounted rate. Find out more here.


Please contact me today if you would like to find out more or to book a session

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