A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman

Melinda Gates
Welcome to The She Room!

I invite you to come in, kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable.

A quick background story. The She Room initially began a few years ago as a more feminine shaped blog for women. More recently, as I reflected on the nature of my work with my clients – both male and female – as well as what captures my attention and influences my writing, I realised that what was being offered in The She Room was not just ‘women’s business’.

It has become time to open the door to the men and invite them to join us as we explore the struggle and challenges of being human and in relationship with each other. So, if you are a man and have found your way here, please stay and have a look around. The furnishings may still look a little feminine but hopefully the conversation will feel inclusive. If anything doesn’t particularly resonate, consider it a window into a woman’s experience and use it to enrich the relationships with the females in your life.

So welcome everyone! My aim, as always, is to provide you with freedom and space; room to allow yourself to contemplate, explore and think about what it is like to be you in your world. A place for us to find our freedom in who we are, to recognise our inherent value and worth. A place in which to uncover what has shaped us, what has helped us, what has held us back, what has hurt us.

The She Room is about community; it’s about gathering together, being curious together, learning together, getting stronger together. I hope you enjoy your time here.

If you would like to stay connected and receive The She Room posts directly to your inbox, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill out the sign up form.




At a family gathering, a lively two-year-old was having a wonderful time dancing about. Marvelling at the child’s freedom of expression, one adult mused “When do we start to become self-conscious?” It wasn’t until later that the answer came to me – when we learn...

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It’s a time for grief As bushfires rage out of control over large areas of NSW, communities are left shattered in the midst of the resulting devastation and holding the incredible pain that comes with grief and loss. Many have lost their homes, their possessions,...

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Failure – how do you handle it?

Failure – how do you handle it?

Failure noun 1. lack of success. In a recent conversation I had with a mum with a young family, an interesting question came up; how do we teach our kids to handle failure? As I’ve sat with that question, it has raised another; how do I handle failure? This question...

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Belonging – what price are you willing to pay?

Belonging – what price are you willing to pay?

What does belonging mean to you? What do you see? Perhaps you envisage community; a group of which you are part. A space where you fit; square peg – square hole. A common thread. A shared ‘language’. A sense of home. The experience of being loved, accepted, valued....

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Patriarchy Damages Men

Patriarchy Damages Men

Patriarchy has been defined as the dominance of men in social/political/cultural systems. We don’t have to try very hard to see the harm and danger this system holds for women, particularly with regards to the sexualisation of women; violence against women; rape...

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Is therapy just dredging up the past? A question that often arises in therapy is “What good does it do to rehash the past?” It’s a good question. When life is painful and we’re struggling emotionally, on the surface it can feel counterproductive to slow down and start...

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